Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bully List

Here post a comment with a scammer's either jammer name or username or better both. Then I will post them on this list. And post what scam they did. Mad words count as scams. I am changing this list to bully list since they are diffrent.

  Jammer Name           Username       Bully Method

- Major MajorMajor   NiceForever   Said he had membership or lion code.
- Fuzzy CottonCloud   peacenlove379  Acessory to Major MajorMajor scam
-Creature IcyGhost     whitewolf03    Bad words Tryed to say swears Does not have free chat
-Sparkle SpiritClaw     vickey123      Really mean
-Daredevil Zanystone  waR9              Lion Code Scam
-Sir SmartyPenguin     josh52214      Lier
-Little FrozenMoon     horselips         Bully
-Flora PoshWolf          madgirl1123   Bully
-Countess ShiverBug  unocisco m     Bully laughed at me
-Enchanted Spirit  dontLOOKintoTHEdark Did the 'If I accept your trade' Scam (See New Scam)
-Sparkle ArticPenguin ducky7509     Lion Code Scam      
-Little HappyFriend     tweetie214     Sad mean things
-Fabulous SmartyMaster prettygirl902  Scammed
-Expert QuietMaster    boompow      Scammer people out of their stuff


  1. I'll look them up to report em'!

  2. So will I add kaykaylak1234 on the bully list for scamming,well you don't have to but please!

  3. how do you get those tabs up to go to pleces on your blog?
