Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lion Code Scam...AGAIN

I have seen a lot of people crying around Jamaa. It is because they were scammed. By the lion scam. Really if someone says they have a lion code do not believe them. I went to a place where someone had the code. They decided to give it to someone. I went to their den (the person getting the code) because that was where the person with the code was. I hid. They made the person send them lots of stuff. Then they even said 'You fell for the trick'. Who does that? Please be more aware of scams.


  1. I just got scammed i gave someone a lion code and thay dident send me anything so if u have one post it in private place

  2. ok its lol90808 here from aj, here are some BAD scammers. just ones that I know of:silverstein, jammer956 (banned), holliebollie, kubra18, chayce753, and this robeckah chick I forgot the numbers in her name. you might not of heard of holliebollie, probably not, but she scam traded me. literally hacked my trade.oh, and kubra18, she has a little buddy named kubra1287 (banned) they did a hack trick on me, kubra1287 knows how to hack, kubra18 knows how to scam. here is 1 story about that "robeckah girl" her:fauna I really want your rare spike. fauna::well its not for trade sorry. her: TRADE IT TO ME NOW!!! fauna: NO her: then im scamming. fauna: WHAT??? her:hehe the second that one girl looked back, her spike was gone. I know because that girl was me; lol90808. buddy me on aj! lol90808

  3. hi its lol90808! btw I got my spike back XD

  4. lol90808 AGAIN just wanted to say; new scam alert. well not really new; person:please send me stuff its my bday and I got scammed!!!! never fall 4 it
