Saturday, March 17, 2012


I am stopping to post. There is to much items and things to blog about. I will make the comments so it will automattically post the comments. I will still play AJ as rosieknows1. Feel free to friend me. I will delete you if you don't talk to me and give a reason to friend me. I delete people that friend me randomly. I have a poem I would like to share. Good-Bye.

The deep parts of my life pour onward,
as if the river shores were opening out.
It seems that things are more like me now,
That I can see farther into paintings.
I feel closer to what language can't reach.
With my senses, as with birds, I climb
into the windy heaven, out of the oak,
in the ponds broken off from the sky
my falling sinks, as if standing on fishes.


  1. Thank goodness. You don't deserve to play AJ and I'm glad you're stopping this blog. Stop hating on people who didn't do anything wrong and stop being a little whiny baby.


  2. Thats really mean. Don't call this person a baby. I love this blog and read it all the time. You are being so mean,YOU don't derserve to play AJ. I know who you are, gingerpwaz,tigerlilycoke,Fuzzy ShyIvy,Lovelost! I read this blog! If you hate the blog why do you read it? And why do you comment? Do you just want to be mean? This is cyber bullying. It's got to stop, it's not nice. Someone can report this to the police, people can go to jail, so just stop. I think the blog author made comments go automaticly up so people could say what a good blog it was, and if they wanted it to return. They would say what was their favorite post. But the author did not mean to turn on comments for THIS. I know the author and will tell her what is happening on AJ (I know her on AJ) and make sure she takes the comment down. AND make sure she moderates comments, so no one will comment. You are ruining the fun.

  3. like the poem and for real people? why so rude??????? this blog is pretty cool :) so a2b2cde, just.... come on! whats the point of being rude? what are you hoping to gain? huh? answer me that! geez. some people are just so rude. anyways its me again Gylfie101 :)
